A parent or legal guardian must accompany all players to sign and verify player information, including birth certificate and residency/ proof of school attendance for non-Lewiston residents.
There is a maximum family contribution of $250 for on-time registrations.
No player will be refused the opportunity to play due to financial hardship.
2025 Registrations will open in January!
2025 Deadline for Cal Ripken Baseball (12 & Under) TBD
Registrations received after this date are not guaranteed (dependent upon roster space and availability of coaches and uniforms) and will be subject to a $25 late fee.
2025 Deadline for Babe Ruth Baseball (13-16) TBD
Registrations received after this date are not guaranteed (dependent upon roster space and availability of coaches and uniforms) and will be subject to a $25 late fee.
As of 2023: Lewiston softball player registrations will be processed through Auburn Suburban Baseball/Softball.